
Appropriate things to say when someone asks you what you plan on dressing as on Halloween

"I would rather not answer your question, as I like for it to remain a surprise."

"I'm not a hundred percent sure. I am toying with the idea of a witch."

"I do not typically dress up for Halloween. It is not my thing. What will you be?"


Appropriate things to say when it is raining

"My, it is raining cats and dogs."

"I am very glad I hadn't planned a picnic for today."

"This rain makes it quite difficult to get out of bed in the morning."

"Rain can be a hassle, but it is very important to our ecosystem."


Appropriate things to say while camping with friends

"Please pass the marshmallows."

"Wow. I forgot about stars."

"That was a very scary story."

"I am having fun. But I must say, I am looking forward to a shower when I get home."


Appropriate things to say on an exceptionally hot day

"What an exceptionally hot day it is today."

"My, this weather really takes it out of you."

"What do you think of this heat? I find it to be a bit uncomfortable myself."


Appropriate things to say when a stranger finds a dollar on the ground, but it is actually your dollar that you just dropped

"This is quite awkward, but I believe that is the dollar that I, in fact, just dropped."

"That is my dollar that you have just found. Perhaps I can give you a reward fee of 50 cents for finding and returning my dollar?"

"I am almost completely positive that the dollar in your hand belongs to me. You see, I just dropped a dollar in the same spot that you found that one. How do you suggest we relinquish this terribly awkward situation?"


Appropriate things to say on someone's birthday

"Happy birthday."

"Have a happy birthday."

"Have a very happy birthday."


Appropriate things to say when you are all alone

(Nothing). It is not apprpriate to talk out loud to oneself.


Appropriate things to say when you must call in to work sick because you are sick

"I apologize for the inconvenience, but I believe it would be best if I stayed home today and allowed myself some healing time."

"Due to the fact that I may be contagious, I find it would be beneficial to the other staff if I don't come in today."

"I am feeling rather ill. Would it be okay with you if I stayed home today?"

Appropriate things to say when you are calling in sick to work; but you are not actually sick


It is not appropriate to call into work sick; when you are not in actuality sick.


Appropriate things to say when someone is telling you graphic details of a surgery they once had and it is making you nauseous

"That sounds like it was quite an intense experience. You must be a very strong person to have survived it. (Then change the subject) Do you work out?"

"How horrific. I am feeling slightly ill just from hearing of your surgery. Do you mind if we change the subject?"

"I bet you're glad that's over."


Appropriate things to say when you are getting a hair cut

"What made you decide to become a hair stylist?"

"Do you cut your own hair, or would that be difficult?"

"Thank you so much for cutting my hair today."


Appropriate things to say when you are bored

"I am finding this a bit boring. I think I should leave."

"All of a sudden I am feeling rather bored. I am going to go do something different to alleviate this uncomfortable feeling."

(Tell a white lie)"I really must be going, but this was a great deal of fun."


Appropriate things to say when someone offers you a donut but you are trying to diet

"Thank you so much for the offer, but I am not hungry now."

"That donut looks delicious. I am currently watching my weight and will have to decline your sweet offer."

"Perhaps another time. Thank you anyway."

Appropriate things to say when someone does something that you like

"I like that."

"Thank you for being so kind to me."

"You did something that i like. Allow me to return the favor."


Appropriate things to say when someone is talking your ear off

"It was lovely speaking with you, but I really must go, as I have a previous engagement."

"Allow me to interrupt for just a moment. I must go now. I would love to pick up on this conversation next time we meet."

"That is all very interesting. Goodbye."


Appropriate things to say when someone throws a cake in your face on your birthday

"(Laugh). That was very funny."

"You have made me feel so special. Thank you for the creative surprise."

"I hope you have another cake for us all to eat and enjoy (laugh)."

Appropriate things to say when someone throws a cake in your face for no reason

"That was an uncomfortable surprise for me."

"I am having a hard time processing what just took place. Why would you do such a thing?"

"I did not enjoy that. It was disgusting and a waste of good cake."


Appropriate things to say when someone spits on you accidentally

"You accidentally got spit on me just now. Allow me to excuse myself so I may wipe it off."

"Oops. You got some of your spit on me. No big deal."

"I belive you just spit a bit. Do you have a tissue?"


Appropriate things to say when you are walking with a friend and you step in gum

"Excuse me. May we stop for a moment? I believe I may have a situation."

"What a shame, I have stepped in gum. What does this mean?"

"Do you see a stick? I would like to try and remove this gum from my shoe before we continue our walk."


Appropriate things to say when you arrive late to a meeting

"My apologies. I have had a trying day. Shall we begin?"

"I am aware that your time is valuable. I meant no disrespect."

"I will spare you my excuses and simply say, I am sorry to have wasted your time."

Appropriate things to say if someone offers you a bite of their lunch

"Thank you . I would love to try it."

"How nice of you to offer. Just a small bite will do."

"That is kind. Would you like a bite of my lunch?"


Appropriate things to say when your friend has something in their teeth

(speak quietly) "You have something in your teeth."

"Let us go to the restroom. I want to show you something in the mirror."

(make a joke) "I bet I can guess at least one item that you consumed today."

Appropriate things to say to your passenger when you run a red light

"That was a mistake. I am usually much more careful."

"That red light came out of nowhere."

"Is your seat belt on?"


Appropriate things to say when someone mispronounces your name

"That is not exactly how my name is pronounced. Here, let me help you. It's (say your name)."

"My name is not very common. I completely understand your frustration."

"Pronouncing a name for the first time can be difficult. I am sure you will get it over time."

Appropriate things to say whan a police officer pulls you over for speeding

"That was poor judgement on my part. I will be much more careful in the future."

"I understand that my actions have a consequence and that consequence is a speeding ticket."

"I am glad you are here to keep the roads safe for me and my family. Keep up the good work."


Appropriate things to say to someone of a very different religion than your own

"I do not know very much about (name religion) . I am interesting in learning."

"How did you first hear about (name religion)?"

"What are some of your favorite things about (name religion) ?"

Appropriate things to say when someone catches you picking your nose

"How inappropriate of me. My apologies."

"Perhaps I should go to the restroom."

"I am sorry you had to see that."


Appropriate things to say when a cat throws up

(Nothing.Your cat will not understand if you speak.)

(Just quietly clean up the throw up.)

Appropriate things to say after someone gets married


"You make the most lovely couple."

"Do you feel different?"


Appropriate things to say after eating a delicious bite of cake

"Mmmmm. Tasty."

"What a very delicious cake this is."

"Oh no. I could just eat the whole cake it is so good."

"You must try this cake."

Appropriate things to say when you don't feel attractive

"I think I will stay in today."

"Perhaps I should do something nice for myself to feel better about the way I look."

"It is what's inside that counts."

"Even super models have "ugly days"."


Appropriate things to say while bowling with friends

"Wow. I admire your form."


"I'm a 7 1/2."

"I am sorry you bowled a gutter ball."

"I hope you get your spare."

Appropriate things to say on a first date

"Your hair looks lovely."

"Allow me to get the door." (If you are a man.)

"Thank you for getting the door." (If you are a woman.)

"May I hold your hand?"

Appropriate things to say when learning to speak a new language

"This is difficult, but i know there are many benifits to knowing another language."

"I can't wait to practice at home."

"What other languages do you know?"

"It is fun learing (name new language) ."

Appropriate things to say to a friend after not seeing them for a while

"It has been so long."

"I have missed our time together."

"What is new in your life?"

"We must try to stay better in touch in the future."

Appropriate things to say in a library

(Nothing.) It is not appropriate to say anything in a library.


Appropriate things to say when you are at the store and realize that you accidently left your wallet at home

"How embarressing. I have left my wallet at home."

"May I please leave these items with you while I run home and get my wallet?"

"How foolish of me. Where is my mind?"

(Crack a small joke.)
"You mean I have to pay for these?"
(Chuckle slightly to show it is meant to be a joke).

Appropriate things to say when being introduced to someone

"It is lovely to meet you. How do you know (name person introducing you) ?"

"Meeting new people is so much fun."

"I bet we have something in common. What is it that you do?"

"What are you drinking?"

Appropriate things to say to an adoptive family after an adoption falls through

"I am here for you."

"I am a good listener if you need to talk."

"I know I can never understand what you are going through, but I would like to try."

"I would be happy to watch your other child(ren) so you may take a walk."

Appropriate things to say when introducing someone to your favorite song

"I love this song."

"Here comes my favorite part."

"Do you like it?"

"The band is called (name the band) ."

Appropriate things to say when someone tells you something you have no interest in

"I see."

"How nice for you."

"I am glad you have found something that interests you."

"Excuse me. I must use the W.C."


Appropriate things to say when landing on the moon

"That was a lot of well earned work."

"I did something special."

"I miss my family."

Approriate things to say when smelling a flower

"Ah. That smells just lovely."

"This flower has a terrific scent. You should smell it."

"What a wonderful world."

Appropriate things to say when your boss tells you you are fired

"I have always enjoyed working for you, but I throughly understand if it is time for us to split ways."

"Thank you for the opportunity to work for such a wonderful company up until this point."

"I will go collect my things and clean what used to be my desk."

Appropriate things to say after painting a picture

"That was a creative thing to do."

"I am happy that I expressed myself through art."

"I like my picture." (If you like your picture).

"I am not fully pleased with my picture." (If you do not like your picture).

Appropriate things to say when looking at a sunset

"What a beautiful sunset."

"I have never seen such a gorgeous sunset."

"Look at all the different colors."


Appropriate things to say when someone dies

"I am very sorry for your loss."

"(Name deceased) was a wonderful person."

"(Name deceased) is in a better place (name your choice of afterlife)."

"May I get you some water?"


Appropriate things to say when someone gives you "the middle finger"

"I have angered you in some way. That was not my intention."

"I understand that you are upset. What may I do to calm you?"

"You are expressing hostility. I will give you a moment to breath."

"Did you just have your nails done? They look lovely."

Appropriate thing to say when you are sweating profusely

"My, it is a hot day. I apologize for my sweat."

"Excuse me while I grab a towel to wipe my brow."

"I see I am not able to control my sweat today. Perhaps I should leave."

Appropriate things to say when asking a favor

"Would you mind (insert favor here)?"

"I know you have a very full plate, but could you (insert favor here)?"

"If you help me with (favor), I will owe you one."

Appropriate things to say when answering a telephone



"Thank you for calling."

"Who is calling please?"

Appropriate things to say after killing a fly

"My apologies, but you were quite annoying."

"I hope you will be a bird in your next life."

"I will get a tissue to clean up the tiny carcass."

Appropriate things to say when playing a game with a friend

"Your turn."

"My turn."

"Here are the dice."

"I am glad you are winning." (If your opponant is winning)

"Sorry that I am winning." (If you are winning.)

Appropriate things to say when someone is promoted

"Looks like all that hard work payed off."

"You did it."

"Good for you."

"May I get you a congratulatory beverage?"


Appropriate things to say when your pen runs out of ink

"It is time for me to acquire a new pen."

"I will temprarilty substitute with a pencil or crayon."

"Even my pen has a part in the circle of life."

Appropriate things to say after skinning your knee

"My oh my, I have lost some of my of skin."

"Here comes the blood, but I will not be afraid."

"I am in need of a band-aid."

Appropriate things to say when a woman tells you she is pregnant


"How many months are you?"

"You will make the most excellent mother. I am sure."

"Will the unborn child be a boy or a girl? Or will it be a suprise?"

Appropriate things to say on an exceptionally beautiful day

"What a gorgeous day."

"This is a great day to do something out of doors."

"I thank (choose deity) for this exceptionally beautiful day."

Appropriate things to say while watching a movie


(It is not appropriate to say anything during a movie.)

Approriate things to say after receiving a gift

"Why, thank you."

"What a thoughtful gift."

"Oh my, (small pause) you shouldn't have."

"I will forever treasure this lovely gift."

Appropriate things to say after spilling milk

"I will get a towel."

"How very clumsey of me."

"This is no time to cry."

Approriate things to say on Halloween

"What a wonderful costume."

"May I give you some candy?"



Appropriate things to say when riding a roller coaster




Appropriate things to say when someone asks you to go away

"If that is what you would prefer, then It would please me to oblige."

"Okay. I am leaving now."


Appropriate things to say when offering someone a cup of coffee

"Do you take cream?"

"Do you take sugar?"

"I will be sure to make it nice and hot."

"I will be right back with your coffee."

Appropriate things to say when entering the gates of Hell

"I will keep a positive frame of mind no matter what."

"I am sure I did something to deserve this, and I will learn my lesson here."

"May I please remove my sweater?"


Approriate things to say after picking up a hitchhiker

"Where are you headed?"

"What is your name?"

"Would you care for some water?"

"Please feel free to sing along with the music."

Appropriate things to say when shaking someone's hand for the first time

"What a pleasure to meet you."

"How are you?"

"I have heard many wonderful things about you and your family."

Appropriate things to say after accidently bumping into someone

"My apologies."

"I am embarrassed."

"That was my fault and I will be more careful next time."

"Are you okay?"

Appropriate things to say when selling Girl Scout cookies

"The money goes to a good cause."

"These cookies are delicious."

"Thank you for your contribution."

"They do not come with a guarantee, but I think you will like them."

Appropriate things to say while tying your shoe

"I am almost ready."

"I am going to make it nice and tight."

"Once my shoe is tied, I am going to have a great day."


Appropriate things to say when climbing a tree

"It is so neat up here."

"I love being so close to nature".

"I am being very careful."

"I like trees."

Appropriate things to say when being complimented

"That is a very kind thing to say."

"How nice of you to notice. (small pause) Thank you."

(return the compliment)Example: "I like your earings."

Appropriate things to say when meeting a celebrity

"You have been an inspiration in my life."

"What is it like being a celebrity?"

"May I please ask for your autograph?"

Appropriate things to say after burning yourself

"I must be more careful next time."

"Ouch. That really burns."

"I must run my (name burned body part) under cold water to help it heal."

"That was no fun."

Appropriate Things to Say While on an Airplane

"Wow. This will be fun."

"Where are you from?"

"May I please have a pillow?"